Support students

By donating, you can help us:
1) support the organization of cultural and formative activities within the residence;
2) fund scholarships for disadvantaged students;
You can donate to the current account held by Altresì ONLUS, our partner supporting formative and youth participation projects.


You can choose to directly support one of our students by paying for a scholarship. Scholarships are distributed according to the students’ academic scores and their participation in communal activities.


Companies and associations supporting our projects can become our sponsors by contacting our office to offer specific supplies or through more traditional donations to the current account held by Altresì ONLUS, our partner supporting progetti di formazione and youth participation projects.


If you wish to help us create new opportunities for our students (such as scholarships, certifications, new courses, or experiences abroad) and would like to donate, you can give your 5×1000 from your tax return.
You can address the 5×1000 of your income tax return to Altresì ONLUS, partner of this project.
(Our registration number / “codice fiscale” is 97691860015)